Ivana Kovac Lux Aeterna I.K.

Methodologically experienced teacher since 2009 ready to help any student within a curriculum, no matter of the level of music education. Able to include a variety of methods that quickly lead to results within a short time frame. Continuously importing new methodological novelties in music with international colleagues!
Also, helping music professionals and amateurs develop their entrepreneurial skills to develop their carriers with their own art making
Education: Royal Conservatory Den Haag, Rotterdam Conservatory, Zagreb Music Academy
Awards: "Rudolf and Margita Matz" for aspiring composers

Methodologically experienced teacher since 2009 ready to help any student within a curriculum, no matter of the level of music education. Able to include a variety of methods that quickly lead to results within a short time frame. Continuously importing new methodological novelties in music with international colleagues!
Also, helping music professionals and amateurs develop their entrepreneurial skills to develop their carriers with their own art making
Education: Royal Conservatory Den Haag, Rotterdam Conservatory, Zagreb Music Academy
Awards: "Rudolf and Margita Matz" for aspiring composers
- Algemene Muzikale Vorming (AMV)
- Arrangeren
- Compositie
- Creativiteit
- Keyboard
- Koor / Koren
- Koordirigent
- Muziekconsulent
- Piano (Algemeen)
- Piano (Klassiek)
- Piano (Modern)
- Solfège
- Songwriting
- Zang / Zangcoaching
- Amateurverenigingen/Koren
- Kinderen van 4 t/m 7 jaar
- Senioren 68+ jaar
- Bedrijfsleven
- Volwassenen 22+ jaar
- Jong volwassenen van 13 t/m 21 jaar
- Zorginstellingen
- Kinderen van 8 t/m 12 jaar
- Kinderen van 0 t/m 3 jaar
- Mensen met een lichamelijke/geestelijke beperking
Actief in de volgende gemeenten
- Barendrecht
- Capelle aan den IJssel
- Delft
- Den Haag
- Maassluis
- Moerdijk
- Pijnacker-Nootdorp
- Rijswijk
- Rotterdam
- Schiedam
- Vlaardingen
- Zoetermeer
- 0681804732
- http://www.pianoles010.nl/
- http://www.ivanakovac.net/
- http://www.notenmanufaktur.de/
- http://www.kiesjedocent.nl/docentprofiel/ivana-kovac
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