Piano professor “Het Utrechts Conservatorium” (Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht)
Director European branch of “Center for Piano Studies” – CEP
Member EPTA NL
Serious pianistic and musical formation for young talents
High level education: piano school of Vicente Scaramuzza (teacher of Argerich, Gelber, Barenboim)
Students winners of national & international competitions
Organization of master-classes, concerts, exchanges
Preparation entrance examinations conservatories, competitions, recitals
Author of the book "Vicente Scaramuzza. La vigencia de una escuela pianística" (Spanish, English and Italian)

Piano professor “Het Utrechts Conservatorium” (Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht)
Director European branch of “Center for Piano Studies” – CEP
Member EPTA NL
Serious pianistic and musical formation for young talents
High level education: piano school of Vicente Scaramuzza (teacher of Argerich, Gelber, Barenboim)
Students winners of national & international competitions
Organization of master-classes, concerts, exchanges
Preparation entrance examinations conservatories, competitions, recitals
Author of the book "Vicente Scaramuzza. La vigencia de una escuela pianística" (Spanish, English and Italian)
- Kinderen van 8 t/m 12 jaar
- Kinderen van 4 t/m 7 jaar
- Volwassenen 22+ jaar
- Jong volwassenen van 13 t/m 21 jaar
- Kinderen van 0 t/m 3 jaar
Actief in de volgende gemeenten
- Utrecht
- 0032492878555
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