Giuseppe Ciraso Giuseppe Ciraso-Calì

I am a professional performer passionate about music education. My goal is to pass on the love of music and enrich my students’ lives in the process. I thrive to make it always fun and engaging and I work on transversal skills such as self-awareness, self-esteem, coordination, mental discipline and more.
I studied classical double bass in Italy and Austria. I am now specialised in historically informed performance practice and perform regularly in the Netherlands and UK.
I have years of experience in private teaching and in public schools. I always take care of my students in the most professional way and encourage them to find their own voice and channel their energy into constructing their own ideas.

I am a professional performer passionate about music education. My goal is to pass on the love of music and enrich my students’ lives in the process. I thrive to make it always fun and engaging and I work on transversal skills such as self-awareness, self-esteem, coordination, mental discipline and more.
I studied classical double bass in Italy and Austria. I am now specialised in historically informed performance practice and perform regularly in the Netherlands and UK.
I have years of experience in private teaching and in public schools. I always take care of my students in the most professional way and encourage them to find their own voice and channel their energy into constructing their own ideas.
- Senioren 68+ jaar
- Voor/Na/Buiten schoolse opvang
- Volwassenen 22+ jaar
- Voortgezet onderwijs
- Kinderen van 8 t/m 12 jaar
- Bedrijfsleven
- Primair onderwijs
- Jong volwassenen van 13 t/m 21 jaar
- Amateurverenigingen/Koren
- Mensen met een lichamelijke/geestelijke beperking
Actief in de volgende gemeenten
- Amsterdam
- Den Haag
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